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Evening Messenger from Marshall, Texas • 5

Evening Messenger from Marshall, Texas • 5

Evening Messengeri
Marshall, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MY Ijulklinlied in iinue mswiwwp in Harri 'Vi f.Unl.i cotiiiy. Texas, will convene of malignant Blood Poison and Scrofula were formerly looked tipOn as lo6t. Fearful of contagion, their friends denied Arrests 'Dsease by the timely use futt's Liver Pills, an old zed iVorite remedy of increOsir ifways cures gICK HEADACHE, jur stomach, malaria, indiges -ion, torpid liver, constipation aid all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS .1 i I f- Vl XT 111 companionship and medical ignorance tnem hope. Their lite was worse tnan death ana their only relief the grave.

Many such cases were specially from the fact that the sufferers con-tracted. disease by accident or heredity Lie ciirt Ih.iiho lu ciiy of Alar- Harrison county, Tcxiw, ami you will ake teturn to layr, Rowing now you lwve executed this order on op -before awi date, Witness my 'hand aitd seal of said courx, amxeu ows uie i-srn aay or Jan- nary 3kst), at the court house in Mar- siiail, Texas. Clerk otAAw DJstrlct Court of Udrnxon County, Texas. (No. One, in Not 0530.) TH13 STATU OF TEXAS, Cmiuty'of Harrlsou.

i To nil persons owning, or, having or claiming any Interest lu -the following described land deJinquent to Uie stato of Texas, and county of Harrison, for taxes, to-wit: land Is destTUed on assessment roll of Harrison county, tlius: Of a-b-stwt. No. 578, original grantee 'ni iaiin Picttiis, certlflcate No. 441, ojantl-ty In acres 820, patentee WlHiam Per- tiK, class bosinty, patent dated De- 1 ft vVt civilization looks with svxaa- consideration noon all cases of blood centuries in darkness, has finally cure. Despair vanishes like an evil Hope shines forth like a glorious (So.

Oue.fiu o. fr THE STATIJ 6F TEXASv i CJtvjnty of Harrison. 1 To all pei-song awnliig, or Having or clahiilng any lntoavst la the fotfcnviug djcrLbed larnd delinquent to the stave of Texas, and county of Harrison, fur taxes, Xo-wtt: Said land! Is dwncrCbtd' on assessment roll of Han-ltHJU tx)ui)iyt Of No. 333, original grantee Roberl Hlgh'tower, emfkate'No. qsiautlty in Uiores (HO, patentee Helrtf of Robert lltehlower, class 3ivl', jpateat dated Jurw 3.

1S5. No. 13(52. Vol. 12.

old no atraet No. Said land was a-sesse(l as folio we: For tilie year 1885.. as 'WO pwaier -Briveiuuuner; 1880, a ir0 afires, 'owntir uniknown: 1888, as 150 acres, owner It. A. McClen- don, and 1800, as 1'jO ajrea, ownaer nn- Itnown.

ii'iieiu notes or aoove loo acre of Kobert Illghtjuwor 610 acres giant; Twgiuning a't the N. -v'. corner of said 'gmnt; rniwe south 020 varas; thence east 020 varas tlience 920 varas; tilie-we vc-t ,920 varas to the 'beginning. WTliich said land te delinquent for taxes for Hae ifollowlnig amounts: $3.14 for state taxes, and courrty taxes, a ad you are liereby notified that suit lias been brougM by the state' for the collection of said taxes, and you are xAmnanded to aippear and defend such suit at the February, term of the tfistrit court of Ha.rrtsnn county, and state of Texas, 'Which con veues at tlie court bouse. In the city of Marshall, Harrison county, Texas.

13tfli'day of -FWbrua'ry, 1809, and show cause AV'ky Jiklgment sihjill not lie ren- dered condtmvnlug saw land-, and order P. P. P. (Irippmaa's Great Remedy.) sovereign Specific cures all forms of Poisoning in both men and women. is a permanent cure for Rheumatism.

is the only logical for and the only remedy" for Catarrh in stages. cures DyBpepsia in all its manifold is a general tonic superior to all all druggists. One dollar a bottle. cenilier 22. 252.

VOL 5, old; of Hnvrlson county, thus: Of b-abstract 'o. 4.5. Said Lind was No. 4CA, original ga-antee Marvel semnl as tfdllows: 184-1807, lnclusfive.) Moseley, cenlflcate No. 450, quanta's 320 acres, owners unkuown.

Field ty In acres 320, patentee Wm. 4ones. noteS of above 320 acres: ibeginnAng class 3rd, patent dated November 19. at tihe Nv E. corner of tone, Tliomas A.

185 No, 28, Vol. 8, old elistraet No. them denied thetic ing for evolved -spirit. sunrise. VIA sad Modern a This Blood P.

P. P. P. P. P.

Catarrh advanced P. P. P. forms and sarsaparillas. Sold by Six bottles tor nve aouars.

LIPPMAN BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS, Lippman Block, Savannah, da. ing sale foreclosure pnereor ror( fltHi t-hnt suit ibas been brougM by the tiixes and costs of suit. state for the collection of said taxes. Witness Alex S. Feiid, clerk of rbe and you are commanded to appear and district court of Harrison defend suit at the February, 1899-Texas.

I term of tlie disrrict court of Harrison Given under -my hand and seal nf; comity; -and smite of Texas, whicli con-said court, at office in Marshall, Texas, jvenes at 'the court bouse. In the city tibia the lMTi day of January, A. r. 0f Marshall, Harrison county; Texas. 1899.

ilSMi day of February, 1809. and siaow (Seal.) ALEX S. FEILD 'j caitae -wfliy judtment sihall riot toe m- Clerk of tiii District Court of dei-eit condemning sakt land, and order-County, Texas. i ing sale and1 foreclosure tlliereof for taxes and coste of suit, Witness Alex iS. Feild, clerk of the THE STATE -OF -TEX AS, distn-lct' coart of Harrison county, County of Ifiirriswu.

Texas. To the Sheriff or any Conskible of (Tive.n under hand and seal of Harrison Obuuty: You are hereby court, at office in Marsnnll. Texas, commanded to caase the above and tli 1 the 19tHi dtvy of January, A. D. foregoing notice, kwuedi, signed and iso -sealed! on flhe lSttti day of January, S.

FEILD. IS99, by me cause No. ik6, of the 0f Didrict Court of Harrison Tflionqwon 320 acres grant; thence N. 9 dgreeA E. 1344, varan; thence 81 detrrees W.

1344 varas: thence- S. 9 degrees W. 1314 varas: thence S. 81 degrees E. 1344 Varas.

to the begln-1 nlng. wudch said land delinquent for taxes -tlhe following a-mwlnts: $25.05 for state taxes, and $85.16 for county taxes, and you are bery not! Count v. TeSaa. THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Harrison, To the Sheriff or any Constable of aibntraot No. 578.

in Harrison county, Texas, (which notice is marked No. one, in No. OsjOO, ana niaae a pan orj this writ) now pending in the district court of Harrison county, Texaa, to toe some newspaper In Harrl-gpn cosiniy, one time a week for three fcoiwecutive weeks, before the 13th day of Fetoruary, 1899, which Is the day on which tlhe district court or Huirrisrvn 'eoimf v. Texan, will convene at tQie cotirt house ln tlie city of Mar small. Uiflrrison foiimy, leiu, airu yon, 1 1 State of Texas vs.

unnnown uwners 0if 150 acres of -the Robert Wigflitower grant of land in Harrtoon county, Texas, (which notice is marked one, in No. yo4, ana 'mniue a pari The Wabash is the only line with Double Daily Through Sleeper between St. Louis and Boston. The Only Line with Through Service of any character between St. Louis and Niagara Falls.

Three Through Trains Daily between St. Louis and Chicago. ONLY 8 HOURS RUM. Equipment The Finest on Earth. For information, address this writ) now penaing ine aisirict County: You are hereby court of Harrison county, Texas, to be to eausetthe above and published in some newspaper in Ilarr fareg0iUff notice, tesued, signecf and son county, Texas, for one time a week 1 wJe(l ou tte imi of juary, for three consecutive wees, beforethe 1890 lflie ln cause No of 1.1th day of Fetbruary, 1899.

which ts vs1lhe Unknown Owi 1-the day on -whidh itihe district court or w.minTr. Pottna 32ft ar-ro ffranr. son cwnnty, Texrtii, for one time i mhree cornwrtlve weeks, nih 'tay Febrtury, lS0i. the lay on which 4he distrit-t son coEwify. Texiw, for one time a fore the blch Is lUniMQ 1xlJJIf convene at Blie court 'boiwe; ln-tlie city of Mat f1)H.

JlawlHon county, Texal ami $-911 wllJ nmke Tflrrr return accordiufi to lfl Wf himlng h(W J0U 3iav executcd tbl order on or iwfore said date. Witness any hand ami of said ourt, flirixed ilth Oaf of Jan- uarj-, ltm, nt the court lionse In Mar shall. Texas. (Seal.) ALEX S. FEILD.

Clerk of tlie DMrlct Cmrt of irarrinon County, Texas. (No. One. in No. 0547.) THE, STATE OF TEXAS.

1 Comnty of Harrison. To nil persons owning, or having or claiming any interest In the following described land deUnqnent to the state of Texas, and county of Harrison, for taxes, to-wlt; Said land Is descriil)ed on assessment 341. Said land -was assessed as follows: For the year 1885, as 140 acree; for tihs years 1886, 1887, 1803, 1S04, 1805, 1890 and 1897, as 320 acres; 1885, 1SS0. 1887, 1894. 1895, 1890, 1397, owners unknown; J1M)3, reported sold, owners Moreland and Hudson.

Field notes of above 320 acres, situated in Harrltwn county, Texas; beginning at the S. corner of till W. MoAdams 320 acres grant orr the N. line of the E. A.

Merchant league; nhence ast w-lUb. said N. line 1030 varas to the ft. W. corner of the T.

J. Iiikihardnon grant; Ohence north 1775 varas; thence west 1030 varas; thence south 1773 varas to the toegin-nlng. Wilitchsaid land 1ft delinquent for taxes for -lflie following amounts: $10.24 for state taxes, and $49.43 for county taxes, and you are hereby nott fled that suit llias been brought toy the state for the collection -of eaid taxes, and you are commanded to appear and defend such suit at the February, 1899 term of the district court of Harrison county, and state of Texas, whlli convenes at the court house, In city of Marshall, Harrison county, Texas, 13tSi day of February, 1899, and show cause why Judgment shall not, toe ren dered condemning said landi, and order lug sale and foreclosure thereof tor taxes and costs of suit Witness Alex iS. -Felld, fdcrk of tlhe district court of Harrison county, Texas. Given underimy hand and seal of said court, at office In Marshall, Texas, rhlis tlie 17th day of January, A.

D. 1899. (Seal.) ALEX S. FEILD. Clefr4t of tlhe District Court of Harrison County, Texaa.

STATE OF TEXAS, uounry or Harrison, i To the Sheriff or any Constable of Harrison County Yon are hereby commanded to cause the above and foregoing, notice, issued, signed' and sealed on the 17fch. day of January 1899, ty me cause No. 0547, of the Mate or uexas wr. tne unainown own. era of 320 acres olrXJhe Marvel If.

Alose ley grant of land, In Harrison county, ITT. ibius, uu, otiiwm teirtee, No. 0547, and inade a part of thia writ) now ixendlnjr In the district court of Harrison county; Texas, to toe puMtehed in some newspaper in Harri son county, Texae, for one time a week for bhree consecutive -weeks, toe fore the 13th day of Fetoruary, 1890, which is the day on whlcfh ifihe district court of Harrlson county, Texas, will convene at the court house In the City of Mar shall, Harrison county, Texaa, and you will make your Teturn according to law. showing how you have, executed this order on or before said date. Witness my hand and seal of Mid court, affixed thle the 17th day of January, 1899, at the court house In jiar shall, Texas.

SeaL) ALEX S. FEILD. Clerk of the District Court of Harrison County, (Texas. (No. One, ln No.

0533.) THE STATE OF TEXAS, I County" of Harrison. 1 To all persons owning, or having or claiming any interest In the following described land delinquent to the state of Texas, and county of Harrison, for taxes, to-wltt is uescrioeu on assessmenv 1 Tl original graritee Isaac Lt3jJr 1853, No. 202, Vol. 7, iid land was assessed as follows: 1890, J. T.

Elliot owner, and 1891, unknown owner, as 320 acres. Field notes of above S20 acres of the Isaac Dyson grant, ab- ner of the Thos. A. Thompson S20 acres grant, on the north ibank of Sn-toine river; tilience N. 9 E.

770 varas to N. W. corner of said Thompson grant thence S. 81 E. 90 varas to 8.

W. cor ner of Wm. Pettus grant; thence N. 9 E. 1734 varae to the S.

line of the B. Franklin grant; thence west T79 varas to the N. E. corner of Thomas Toby ant; thence Si 9 W. 2337 varas witfli Toby's E.

line to tlhe Sabine river; thence down said river to the WV-p said land Is delinquent for taxes for the amounts: $2.01 for state Haxes, and $9.60 for eonnry taxes, and you are hereby notified that suit has been tor-ought toy the state for the collection of said taxes, and you are commanded to appear and defend such suit at the Fetoruary, 1809, term of the district court of Harrison county, and state of Texas, which convenes at the court' house, In the city of Marshall. HarrWin county. Texas, of February. 1W, and show canise Why Judgment ffltnil not be ren-oVred condemning said land, and ordering swle and foreclosure thereof for taxes and costs of suit Witness Alex (R. Felld, clerk of the distrjot of llarrlson county, Texas.

Oiven tinder my hand and 8-il of court, stottli in M.irshaT!. Texas. thU the J9ih day of January, A. D. S.

V. Hit I Tl A 41 will make your return according notioe 1a marSced ao. one, in THE STATE OF, TEXAS, County of llarrlson, i To the Sheriff or any Constable 'of- Harrison County: You are horetoj cmmanded to cause the above and foregoing notice, signed and sealed on the 19th day of 1899, toy me In cause No, 9333, of the state of Texas vs. Urwtnown Owners of 320 acres of Isaac Dyson grant, In- Harrison county, Texas, abstract No. 216, certlflcate No.

-20, (wihich notice 1b marked No. one, in No. 9358, and made a 'part of this Walt) now pending In the district court of Harrison coitiity, Texas, to be puiWlshed In some newspaper In Harri son coiinty, Texas, for one time a week for three consecutive weeks, before the 13th day of Fetoruary, 1S99, which Is the day on whidh the district court of llarrlson county, will convene at the court house ln the citv. of Mar shall', Harrison county, Texas, and yon wm make -your return' according to law, showing how you have executed this order on or before said date. Witness my hand and seal of Raid court, afllxed tilils tlie lfti of nary, 1899, at the court house in jJar- shall, Texas.

(Seal.) ALEX S. FF'fn Clerk of tilie District Court of II.irns.ui County, Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Harrison. To nil persons owuiug, or han ug or claiming any interest In ttie followTnir described land dellranucnt to the' statu of Texas, and county of Uarrlsou, for Said land Is dtMscrJibod on assessment roll of Harrison county, thus: Of ab- eiraer rso. oio, original grantee u.

A. Steel, certliflcate No, 43, quantity In acres 320, patentee L. G. A. Steel.

class 3rd, patent dated January 20, 1846, 415, Vol. L. old abstract No. 473. Said land was assessed as fol lows: 1884 to 1897, Inclusive, as 320 j.1iies, owners unknown, except the year 1884, when the same was assessed to the estate, of Julia Bolsseau.

Field notes of tthe above A. Steel 320 acres grant; toeginnlng ftt the N. corner of the James Shadoin iH'AO acres grant; thence west 1240 varas to ths S. W. corner of the BenJ.

Mitchell 640 acres grant; thence south 1457 varas to an Inner corner of the S. T. Mdtdhell 320 acres grant; thence east 1240 varas to the west line of said Shadoin grant; thence north 1457 varas to the beginning. Which' land Is- delinquent for taxes for he following amounts: $27.44 for state taxes, and $90.44 for county taxes, and you are hereby notified, that euit has been brought toy the state for the collection of said taxes, a-nd you are commanded to appear and defend such suit at the February, 1890, term of the district court of Harrison county, and state of Texas, which convenes at the court house, In the city of Harrison county, 13ah day of Fetoruary, 1899, and show, cause why judgment shall not toe ren dered condemning said land, and order ing sale and foreclosure thereof for taxes and costs of suit Witness Alex S. Felld, clerk of the fllstrlot court of Harrison county, Texas.

Given nnder my hand and seal of this the 19th day of January, A. (Seal.) ALEX S. FEILD, Clerk of the District Court of Harrison County, Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of To the Sheriff ny Constable of Harrison County: You are hereby commanded to cause the above and foregoing notice, lasued, signed and sealed on the lOtih day of January, 1809, toy me in cause No, 0554, of the State of Texas vs. Unknown Owners of 320 acres of L.

A. Steel ahstract No. 073, certificate No. 43, In Harrison county, Texas, (which notice -Is' marked Ko. one, In No.

05B4, and made a part of this writ) now pending ln the district court of Harrison county, Texas, to toe publ tahed ln some newspaper ln Harrison county, Texas, for one time a week for three consecutive weeks, before the 13th day of Fetoruary, 1S99. the day on wtfidh tilie district court of Harrison county, convene at tlhe court house In the city of Mar- shfllL llarrlson county, Texas, and jou will make jour return according to law, showing how you have executed this order on or toefore said date. Witness my hand and seal of said court, affixed this the 19th day of Jan uary, 1S99, at the court house in iimc shalL Texas. (Seal.) ALEX S. FEILD, Clerk of the District Court of Harrison fVumtw TATna.

fr.j ii vs -icr citar o.t v-. -t- iiis Ot. iUti't Vio a C- -r pr p--tt fi-U rid tf t. rt-' it' T'liV-icv, t. rKitVt-.

tin. Ii ir. i. h- cans,ti-.' I's-iM IUs It.itrrn. th- frr-, l.r-i (leni.ll W.I.i it a i t-r'n Xm.

Vi t' r. 1 K- tratM, villi co ored plates. No dressmaker or ldy of fuflbion cli'ju: I. It. mti pv, at all nrwadealvre, or mailed on ro'viii lOr.

ELITE STYLES 61 Maiden Lane, New York la w. showing how you have executed this order on or ilefore said date. WitneRs my hand and seal of said court, affixed tibia tlie 19th day of January, 1899, at the court house in Marshall. Texas. VSeal.) ALEX S.

FEILD. Clerk of the District Court of Harrison Couhty, Texas, (No. One, in No. 9544.) 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Harrison. 1 To all persons owning, or having or claiming any interest in the ffiTTowing described land delinquent to the state of Tex-'as, and county of Harrison, for taxes, to-wlt: Said land is descritoed assessment roll of Harrteon county, thus: Of abstract No.

ItiS, original grantee Brit-tania Cannon, certificate No. 61, quantity in bows 360 1-2, patentee B. Can-u(ui, class 3rd, parent dated Novemiber 30, 1850, So. 528, Vol. 6, old abstract No.

120. Said land was assessed as follows: For the-years 1885 and 1891. as 46 acre, unknown owners. Field notes of the above'46 acres of the B. Cannon 3001-2 acres grant in Harrl- TVyss- at the 8.

W. corner of said grant; tihence north varas to corner on soutih line J. D. Moore 536 acres grant; thence east 24S JgTOo sale at Fostofflce Bookstore. Coal! Wood! Coal! Pittsburg, McAllister, Colorado, Anthracite and Smithing.

Marshall Lumber Coal Co, Tephone Mo. 50. NEW FAST TRAIN THE ieiive ft. Louis 9-10 a. m.

Dally. Arrive Detroit 8 20 p. m. Daily. Arrive Niagara Falls 4:00 a.

m. Following day. Arrive Buffalo 5-M m. Daily A'riv New York 8:30 tn Arrive Boston 5:30 P. Dallas, Texas! Subsoriptloa Prio, $1.00 per year.

mmm ia Nort MEMPHIS OR 3 i5, In Pullman Buffet Stof -bis is the Short and Quick Line, And Hours are Saved By Purchasing Your Tickets via This Route. for further WonMtioa, apply Ticket Mta of Coamcti9 Uaca, or ta J. Lewis, TraveRna; Paaa'r Agaat, Austin, Tel 1 TOWNSCNO. 6. P.

end T. ST. LOUS. CASTOR! A Tor Infants and Children. e-cr? i JS t7'.

Via iliaiTison county, avxus, win ciuveire at tilie court 4iouse in tlhe city of Marshall. Harrison county, Texas, and you will make your return according to law, showing how you have executed this order on or before said date. Witness my hand and seal of said court, affixed Utnis.the 18th day of January, 1899, at the court house In Marshall, Texas. (Seal.) ALEX S. FEILD, Clerk of the District Court of Harrison County, Texas.

(No. One. in No. 0549.) THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of H-arrwou. To all peisous owuiug, or naving or clajmiag any interest in the following described land doJimqueut to the state of llexas, and county of Harrison, for taxes, to-wit: Said land) is diescribed on assessment roll of Harrteon county, thus: Of abstract No.

097, original grantee Southern p-aciflc Itallroad comiany, certiri-cate No. 10-80, quantity ln acres 640, patentee Caroline Sdhwartz, class scrip, patent dated August 5, 1370, No. 223, Vol. Id.4 Said, land -was assessed as follows: for the years 1884, 18-5, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, la90, as 040 acres; for 18S7, as 320 acres; unknown owners, lueiu notes of aibove 640 aeres; beginning on f.nje of Jno. Fiorguson oue-tnird league at Jno.

Early's. N. E. corner; thence south 1JS0 varas to Early's S. E.

corner on Saline river; thence down river S. 01 E. 288 varas S. 38 E. 300 varas, S.

34 6 E. 230 varas, N. 73 E. 170 varas, S. 33 E.

170 varas, S. 13 400 varas, S. 80 El 180 varas, S. 61 E. 610, S.

86 E. 1S5 to S. W. corner of school section; thence north 2593 varas; thence west 1813 varas- to the beginning. Which said land 'is delinquent for taxes for Hlie following amounts $48.60 for state taxes, and $162.64 for county taxes, and you are -hereby notified that "suit has been brought by the state for the collection of said taxes; and you are comimanded to appear and defeftd such suit at the -February.

1 terra of the district court of Harrison county, and state of Texas, which convenes at the court, house, in the city of Marshall, Harrison county, Texas, 13th day of February, 181)9, and lhow cause vrby Judgment shall not toe rendered TOndemning said land, and ordei Ing sale and foreclosure thereof tfoi taxes and costs of suit Witness Alex 8. Feild, clerk of the district court: of Harrison icounty, Texas. Given under ray (hand arid seal of said court, at office ln Marshall, Texas, tbfet the'lSfh day of January, D. 1S99. Seal.) ALEX R.

FEILD: Clerk of the District Court of Harrison County, Texas. OTIE STATE OF TEXAS, Oonty of Harrison. To the Sheriff pt any Constable of Harrison County: You, 'are hereby commanded to cause the above and foregoing 'notice; signed and sealed on the dny of January, 1899, toy me In cause No. 0549, of the State of Texas vj. the Fnkhown Owners of CIO acres of Southern Faciflc Railroad grant, abstract No.

007, certificate 1N0, 16-86 in Harrison county, Texas, (wiilch marked No. rtne, 1u iNo. 0519, a-nd a part of till writ) now in the uistrlct court of ITnrrleon -coiiniy, Texas, to bo pnMWhed in sums in ITarri-ou ctvinty, fr oii' time a week-f ir cci)--tr-'inive wei-. before of FUmary. f-'r.

wlAlr the dny on t.S.f.! curt 0 vrs. to said Moore's S. E. i rwirh rrn- thPtw east 32 varasW011. 3rd.

Wtent dated April 27, tlicnce south 1204 varas to corner on S. line of said Cannon grant; thence west 280' varas to the toegtnnlng. Wlhich said land Is delinquent for 1 1 i for state taxe; nr.Jn tawhr taxos. and tou are hereby notl- county; toeginnlng at the 8. W.

cor- eoiinTv taxes, and you are hereby notl YORK 9 lieiGal la the prettleat Muelcal and Faibloa 1 Journal la Containing 36 IULL SHUT MUSIC SIZE PAGES with Eight Full and Complete Pieces of VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, beeidee Six large Half-tone Portraits rf leading pretty Actreaeee, latest FaaMon Platea in Millinery and Dreasea, beoidca pagca of iotereaW Ing Stortea, Recipea, etc, Sample Copies," 10 centi Yearly Subacrlptlo, i.oo WJroae 'J MW YCrtK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 1441 B80ADWAY, NEW "FINEST TRAINS IN THE SOUTH." Onlj 34 Hourt Shreveport to Cincinnati Et Hour Shreveport to New York Only 24 Hourt New Orleans to Cincinnati Houre New Orleans to NewYork QucenuiuiCrascenr Route EUFFET SLEEPERS ToC cianatl and Ncw'Tvrii. M. h.MT, CEO.M.eVIT.'J, fa.y. flix'l.

Ml: DALLAS, TtX. ORL EicilO 1 fled that suit has been brought toy the state for the collection of said taxes, and you are commanded to appear and defend such suit at the February, 190. term of the district court of Harrison ounry, and state of Texas, wuich con- nes at the court house, In the city Marshall, Harrison county, Texas, 13i day of Fetoruary, 1890, and show cause why Judgment ftfiall not toe rendered condemning said land, and order-I- aie and foreclosure thereof for tax 1 cosh? of suit Witness Alex S. Felld, clerk of the district court Harrison county, Texas. Given under toy hand and seal or said court, at office ln Marshall, Texas, this the 17th day of January, A.

D-1899. l) ALEX S. FEILD. Clerk of the District Court of Harrison County, Texas. 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS, OKnnry of Hiarrison.

To 'the 'Sheriff or ConstaWe of II.irriion County: You are hereby commanded to cnuse the above and foregoing notice. Issued, signed and (wailed rn 17Hi day, of January, tor me in cause No. 9514, of the js-flto of Texas vs. the Unknown Owners of AG sorest of the r.ritf.Tnla 1 2 acre errant, ln Harrison county. Texn.

(which totio is nmrkd X. one. in No. f'5M nn 1 A of wrill It" t11 Itltil ill -iri'T S. p' -i of 'y.

T. llarron to "ty. 1 to Te il".

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